LISTEN: Washington Free Beacon’s MATTHEW CONTINETTI Tells The Tale Of Disney’s Insufferable Virtue-Signaling Left-Wing Heiress

INTERVIEW – MATTHEW CONTINETTI – editor-in-chief of The Washington Free Beacon – discussed the crazy left-wing Disney heiress whining about her family’s company.

  • NOTE: Heiress Abigail Disney is mad that Bob Iger is making too much money but he’s the one who brought in billions to Disney when he brought in Marvel. She’s complaining during the same week Disney made $1.2 billion in their opening of Avengers:
    • Avengers: Endgame’ shatters records with $1.2 billion opening. “Avengers: Endgame” shattered the record for biggest opening weekend with an estimated $350 million in ticket sales domestically and $1.2 billion globally, reaching a new pinnacle in the blockbuster era that the comic-book studio has come to dominate.
  • CONTINETTI: My Least Favorite Disney Princess. Column: She’s an entitled virtue-signaling left-wing heiress (BY: Matthew Continetti / Washington Free Beacon) — If it were not for her last name, Abigail Disney would be just another alumna of Yale (B.A.), Stanford (M.A.), and Columbia (PhD) living in Manhattan.  No one would pay much attention to her opinions, none of them especially unique or different from others shared by her class. But she is a Disney, dammit, and in America in the twenty-first century we must heed the rich and privileged, especially if they parrot the left wing of the Democratic Party.  Abigail Disney’s father was Roy E. Disney, who instigated an animation renaissance in the 1980s; her grandfather was Roy O. Disney, the co-founder of the Walt Disney Company; her great-uncle was that company’s namesake, one of the most important cultural and business figures in American, maybe world, history.  Abigail is not a fan. Uncle Walt was “hella good at making films and his work has made billions of people happy,” Disney conceded in a 2014 Facebook post, but, c’mon, he was born in 1901 and died more than a half century ago and didn’t have the enlightened views of whenever I happen to Tweet this so Meryl Streep was right to call him racist and sexist.  Granddad Roy was somewhat better, Abigail told the Cut last month, because he “gave us money directly, which was great because I never had to go to my parents and ask for anything.” Which would have been awful, since dad “lost his way in life” when he, Michael Eisner, and Jeffrey Katzenberg revolutionized Hollywood and made Abigail and a lot of other people incredibly rich, and mom “was somebody who really liked having nice things,” for Heaven’s sakes, “like Chanel suits.”  Nowadays it’s Robert Iger, Disney’s chairman and CEO, who’s gotten under Abigail’s skin.

“I like Bob Iger,” she wrote in a Twitter rant this week. “I do NOT speak for my family but only for myself.”  And she has nothing to do with the company other than holding shares “(not that many).” But Iger’s compensation in 2018 of $65.6 million is “insane.”

Someone has to “speak out about the naked indecency” of it all, she wrote in an op-ed for the Washington Post, a newspaper owned by the richest man on Earth.

The Trump tax cuts are to blame. Yes, Disney is raising its minimum wage, and gave more than half of its 200,000 employees a $1,000 bonus last year. But it has spent billions more on stock buybacks to—ohmigod—”enrich its shareholders.”  Abigail Disney’s stand for the proletariat is absurd and self-righteous. There is, for starters, the fact that everyone involved in this psychodrama—from Disney to Iger to the owner of the Washington Post—is a super-affluent liberal.  CLICK HERE TO READ MORE at The Washington Free Beacon.

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