LISTEN: DC Latino Community to Protest at Trump’s New Hotel Construction Site

post office

WASHINGTON (WMAL) — Some of D.C.’s Latino community is taking their anger over Donald Trump’s comments about illegal immigrants to the streets.

They’ll be protesting Thursday afternoon outside the Old Post Office Pavilion on Pennsylvania Ave. where Trump is building his new hotel.

Many of the construction workers renovating the building are Latino, and some are offended by Trump’s comments.

One worker at the construction site said, “Any person that’s running for president for that matter should keep those types of comments to themself.”

Trump made the controversial comments during his presidential announcement speech.

“When Mexico brings its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, they’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists,” Trump said. “And some, I assume, are good people. It’s coming from all of South and Latin America.”

The backlast continues with D.C. celebrity chef Jose Andres deciding to no longer open a restaurant inside Donald Trump’s new D.C. hotel.

The decision followed an online petition requesting Andres reconsider the agreement. Meanwhile, Trump is considering suing the chef.

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