LISTEN: JOHN WHITBECK discusses controversial campaign mailer

JOHN WHITBECK- Chairman, Republican Party of Virginia

TOPIC: Dems Sending Desperate Campaign Mailers In Final Stretch

  • A campaign mailer funded by the Democratic Party of Virginia is sparking criticism among Republicans. The ad authorized by Kathy Tran, a candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates seat for District 42, warns residents of the Springfield area about Republican candidate Lolita Mancheno-Smoak.” The Halloween season, protect your family from the scariest threats,” the mailer says, showing Mancheno-Smoak’s smiling face alongside a metal mask and a snarling wolf mask. John Whitbeck, chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia, implied on Twitter that the mailer was racist.
  • “Ralph Northam’s latest mailer is the perfect example of what’s wrong with politics. Long after Ed Gillespie called out the barbaric, ignorant racists who invaded Charlottesville, Ralph Northam and his team are attempting to smear a good man with their reprehensible hate. In reality, Ed Gillespie was widely praised for his response to Charlottesville. Even reporters have noticed the reek of desperation from this attack.”


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