Morning Joe calls Trump ‘Mussolini’ one day after Chuck Todd’s lecture on civility

Larry O’Connor penned an opinion piece at The Washington Times. An excerpt of his latest article, Morning Joe calls Trump ‘Mussolini’ one day after Chuck Todd’s lecture on civility, is below:

Chuck Todd was not happy that President Trump called him a “sleepy-eyed son of a bitch” during a political rally in Pennsylvania Saturday night.

During “Meet the Press” on NBC News Sunday morning Todd reflected on the language by explaining how he raises his children to have respect for the office of the president.

“I bring my kids up to respect the office of the presidency and the president,” Todd said during a brief appearance on NBC’s Washington affiliate. “I don’t allow them to say anything negative, ever, about the president.” He added, “It creates a challenge to all parents when he uses vulgarities like that.” [Read More]

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