Prince George’s Co. teen arrested in shooting death of DuVal HS student

Julia Eisen – WMAL News | September 15, 2023

A 17-year-old Glenarden boy was charged as an adult with first and second degree murder in Prince George’s County in connection with the shooting of a 16-year-old student at DuVal High School on Monday.

After school, Jayda Medrano-Moore saw a group of students fighting outside. In an attempt to protect her younger brother, Medrano-Moore stepped in, according to officials.

“During the fight, the suspect produced a gun. Detectives believe the victim attempted to intervene when she was shot,” said Prince George’s County Police Chief Malik Aziz during a press conference Friday.

One group of students were fellow DuVal High School students, while the others went to Charles Herbert Flowers High School. The suspect attended the latter.

Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks attended the press conference and offered her condolences.

“She was a star in her school, she was a star as a part of Team Elite, she was a star in our community,” Alsobrooks said. “And on the day of this incident, she was a star yet again and gave her life there trying to defuse this particular incident.”

Friday’s press conference became an opportunity for Chief Aziz and Executive Alsobrooks to remind community members to speak up when it comes to juvenile violence.

WMAL News Correspondent Heather Curtis contributed to this report.

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